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What Books/Resources should I use to study the units? How should I study for Step 1 during the units

Studying for the units

Please find a complete resource guide for the various units below. This guide is updated annually by each successive class.

Step 1 Studying

Dont stress too hard on this for now. There is no pressing need buy question banks or subject specific books at this point. Pick a few sources you want to read throughout the units (Secrets, Pathoma videos, Goljan, etc). Then just read (or watch) the topics relevant to your particular unit. This will help you get the breadth perhaps not offered by the PBL format. While reading First Aid is also good, it can be hard to read without any background first. Thats why Secrets and Pathoma and even Goljan are probably better sources to start. You will also have less time to study these other sources in MD7-8. Again, study board material relevant to your unit. Learn the units well. DON'T STRESS ABOUT BOARDS yet even if other people tell you to. Some people may go unecessarily "crazy" with premature board prep.

AOA Class of 2023 Match Day
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