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How do I study for Step 1/make my study schedule? When do I start? What sources should I use?

See below for a student made guide to studying for Step 1:

A Brief Note on How to Use This Guide

Thank you for using this guide to the USMLE Step 1 Examination. This document was made by students for students and does not represent the official advice from the John A. Burns School of Medicine.

We will include survey results from both the third- and fourth-year classes and specific advice from individual students from within the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society at JABSOM. We have therefore combined the mass feedback and survey results from the responding classes along with the advice from a small select group of individuals. In some sections, the author comments and class comments may seem contradictory, which is to be expected and demonstrates the variety of strategies employed.

We hope you use this guide to help formulate your own study strategy and approach to the Step 1 exam. As a caveat, it is important to remember that everyone has different methods of learning and incorporating new information. Some sources that may not be useful to some people may be invaluable to others. While we hope you try to emulate some of the strategies outlined here and incorporate some of our suggestions and advice, your goal should never be to copy any one study approach. We are expressing opinions not fact here.

Please forgive any minor typos, grammatical mistakes or more colloquial/informal phrasing in this document. This is not meant for official distribution. Again, this is a guide by students for students.

We hope you find this guide useful and informative. If you have suggestions, comments, disagreements, additions or any feedback whatsoever, please feel free to contact the JABSOM AOA Chapter at

Some other useful links include (keep in mind they are of varying reliability, just to give you range of advice):

•USMLE Step 1 Sample Questions:

Advice from Universities:

•Case Western (what we used as a model in creating our own Step 1 Guide):




•USMLE Gunner:

•Very opinionated blog:

•Student Doctor Network:

AOA Class of 2023 Match Day
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© 2019 Alpha Omega Alpha at the University of Hawaii John A. Burns School of Medicine. 

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